Wednesday, June 23, 2021


the first draft

Odd Future got famous off of their first draft. = 1st draft

- (5.9.21 4.22AM)

week 2: day 3 - Evolving 4 Family #kingshit

 in order to grow i had to realize and admit how wrong my mentality was. fuck being apart of victimhood. that's a stupid trend that is starting to plague everyone, especially the youth. ain't no damsel in distress around here. i'm a superhero. and i will be the one to help people find the hero in themselves.

i will help my family when i get older. i thought i wouldn't, but that was apart of my fucked up mentality. i was hurt by everyone. my family has always been something i've felt got in the way of my happiness and freedom. and they did. but starting today i will change that. i will evolve as a man and as a human being. i will put myself in a position where i can take care of my partner and children, and i will put myself in the position where my close family can call me for anything.

there's only one rule to it. if you bring ur negative energy around me then you can get the fuck out of my life. i won't put up with that cause then your just messing up my vibe, and that's literally why i wanted to ghost family when i grow up. i'll go easier on my parents & grandparents since they older, but that goes for everyone: sisters, cousins, aunties/ uncles, friends, etc...  don't fuck up.

- (4.28.21 8.35PM)

day 2: #blackboyjoy

 im working on a movie. this has been in the making ever since 2018. i just wanna make a fun movie for black boys like me. no pain, no suffering. just joy. i've noticed that the fun youthful stories about boys have been dying off. where are the dope's, the house party's, the fresh prince's? everything we get is like the chi nowadays. nothing but images of our death & suffering shoved in our faces. 

we gon be Xtreme with our black pride like Malcolm X. we gon be superheroes like Professor Xavier. you might not understand what im trying to say now, but you will one day ;)

- (4.19.21 1.38PM)


i forgot about this page ngl. i wrote some posts in april (& 1 in may) that still haven't been published yet. lemme get those out.

After The Rough Draft...

I: Man II: King III: GOD